Course Schedule

Tu, 1/28Introductions, course overview
Th, 1/30What is relationship science & why study relationships? Unit 1 Reading
Tu, 2/4History & Methods Unit 2 Reading
Th, 2/6Biological & Evolutionary Perspectives (3/7 last day to drop for 50% tuition ref)Unit 3 Reading
Tu, 2/11Attachment Theory (last day for P/F; last day to drop for 25% tuition refund, 2/14)Unit 4 Reading
Th, 2/13Attachment Theory (cont’d)
Tu, 2/18NO CLASS – conversion day, classes follow Monday schedule
Th, 2/20How to Read a Journal Article & do a QALMRI AnalysisCarmichael et al. (2021)
Tu, 2/25Interdependence TheoryUnit 5 Reading; Journal 1 (Carmichael)
Th, 2/27Interdependence Theory (cont’d)
Tu, 3/4Interdependence Theory (wrap up) (Exam 1 Review)Journal 2 (Impett)
Th, 3/6NO CLASS – conversion day, classes follow Wednesday schedule
Tu, 3/11EXAM 1QALMRI 1
Th, 3/13FriendshipUnit 6 Reading
Tu, 3/18Friendship (cont’d)
Th, 3/20SexualityUnit 7 Reading; Journal 3 (Laurenceau)
Tu, 3/25AttractionUnity 8 Reading
Th, 3/27Attraction (cont’d)Journal 4 (Jones)
Tu, 4/1Social Cognition & Motivation (last day to withdraw with W)Unity 9 Reading
Th, 4/3Communication & Conflict Unit 10 Reading
Tu, 4/8Communication & Conflict (cont’d)
Th, 4/10Exam 2
Tu, 4/15No CLASS – Spring Break
Th, 4/17No CLASS – Spring Break
Tu, 4/22Love & Other Positive ProcessesUnit 11 Reading; Journal 5 (Finkel et al.)
Th, 4/24Love & Other Positive Processes (cont’d)
Tu, 4/29Context (last day to resolve Fall ‘24 INC grades)Unit 12 Reading; Journal 6 (Reis); Journal 7 (Algoe)
Th, 5/1Context (cont’d)QALMRI 2
Tu, 5/6Power & Violence Unit 13 Reading
Th, 5/8Ending or Enduring Love?Unit 14 Reading
Tu, 5/13Ending or Enduring Love? (cont’d)Journal Entry 8 (Langeslag)
Th, 5/15Ending or Enduring Love? (wrap up); Exam 3 Review
TBDEXAM 3 (10:30am – 12:30pm in our regular classroom)

We may need to adjust the schedule as the semester unfolds. Updates & changes will be announced in class & by email. BC Academic Calendar